Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Promote Your New Job by Quitting

How to Promote Your New Job by Quitting How to Promote Your New Job by Quitting Quitting one job for a better one happens all the time but promoting that better job with the employer youre leaving? Whats that?Thats exactly what Chris Holmes, 31, an aspiring baker who resigned from his job as Border Agency official at Londons Stanstead Airport did He wrote his resignation letter in frosting on one of his cakes (note image of his cake is shown at the link)- a letter that included an invitation to order mora cakes from him, if the first was a hit.Written in delicate swirls, the letter declared,Today is my 31st birthday, and having recently become a father I now realize how precious life is and how important it is to spend my time doing something that makes me, and other people, happy. For that reason I hereby give notice of my resignation in order that I may devote my time and energy to my family and to my cake businesses which has grown steadily over the past few years.I wish the org anisation and my colleagues the best for the future and I remind you that if you enjoy this cake, you can order more at the sweet surface of that resignation cake and whimsical story is a savvy employment-segue strategy- indeed, a smart resignation strategy Find some way to strengthen your new job by promoting it with your soon-to-be ex-employer (without necessarily being cute).Two Kinds of Great Parting ShotsIn attempting this, it is important to distinguish two kinds of self-promoting parting shots1. Those, like Holmes resignation format, that not only offer some value to the current employer (e.g., in the form of a free quitting-day cake), while generating social and economic value for the departing employee (e.g., as a nice gesture and as potential future cake sales), but that are also designed to elicit that employers validation of the reason for quitting to take that new job (e.g., if the cake is a hit in the office, quitting to get rich and/or have fu n making more of them will be validated as the smart thing to do).Psychologically, this will put the current employer in a double bind the valued-employee resignation (a bad thing) takes the form of a free, fantastic cake (a good thing).This means, as a minimum, a certain level of employer ambivalence about the resignation (as well as about supporting the budding cake business that has pirated one of his valued employees). In some instances, this may eingabeaufforderung pleas to not quit and an employer offer of revised, improved working conditions.2. Resignations that promote the resigning employee, rather than that employees next job. Here, too, a cake can be used with good effect, as it ritualistically was at China Daily, Hong Kong (where I worked as an editor and writer a few years ago).Virtually all resigning Chinese staff in my department followed the tradition of providing a big box of choice cakes to mark their own departure, irrespective of what their next job was to be.In the case of an employee who is being let go, the farewell cake may have the effect or serve the intention of triggering some employer guilt, gratitude or ambivalence (even if only as evidence of employee self-redemption, atonement or self-validation).Common to both of these forms of parting shots is the intended or merely resulting employer gratitude or ambivalence, plus some form of self-promotion (of ones character or ones next job).If Holmes had himself been at all undurchsichtig about quitting or about his new job, the cake might have become a catalyst for a counter-offer from his employer, to make the job he was resigning from more attractive.The first form is unique and different from the second, inasmuch as it also provides a justification for resigning. To the extent that Mr. Cake Holmes baked resignation letter has gone viral on the Net, the justification for quitting and doing it in the manner that he did has and will become even stronger.This latter point suggests another variation of the self-promotional resignation Consider resigning in some spectacular fashion that will make you an Internet sensation and inundate you with job offers.This tactic approximates the cake model very closely, since the unusual form or circumstances of such a resignation, like Holmes cake, enhances the prospects for success with the next job.The key difference, however, is that a dramatic, off-beat resignation, such as lowering yourself on a rope or with suction cups outside a window on the 23rd floor to dangle both your body and resignation in view of your boss, will only enhance your chances of getting your next job, not of succeeding at a job you are leaving to take. (Of course, if you try this kind of Spider Man stunt, you may only enhance your odds of proving you are odd.)Following the Way of the CakeI offer the following as suggestions of ways in which to emulate Mr. CakePoliceman leaving to work for the federal government Write your resignation on a photo of an ar mored personnel carrier (APC) and mention that once you are working for Homeland Security, youll try to get your town police department a great deal on at least one new or refurbished DHS- subsidized Bear Cat APC.Accountant quitting to go to work for the IRS Use the back of an IRS audit authorization form and suggest that your current boss file his return in a timely, more accurate and complete way.Used Ford car lot sales manager moving on to a Mercedes dealership Tell the Ford manager that, since he knows the difference between a Ford and a Mercedes, he may be interested in a managers discount that may be arranged on a Mercedes lease.University staffer or instructor switching schools Suggest to your current department chairperson that a program affiliation between the two schools is something worth exploring, e.g., student exchange, technology sharing, which you could help facilitate. (Ive done that, more than once.)Some such ideas may be too whimsical or hard to pull off, e.g., th e APC deal others, such as the university affiliation plan, provide sober, feasible resignation options that can simultaneously promote ones next job and oneself.As a minimum, even if a resignation doesnt promote a next job, it should be designed to be as self-promoting as possibleespecially when its a piece of cake.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Another reason your 401(k) isnt coming back any time soon..

Another reason your 401(k) isnt coming back any time soon..Another reason your 401(k) isnt coming back any time soon..Posted by Phil Stott, Vault Staff Writer

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to List Your Accomplishments on Your Resume

How to List Your Accomplishments on Your ResumeHow to List Your Accomplishments on Your ResumeAs you begin towrite your resume for a new position, you should be aware that there is a common mistake job seekers frequently make in formatting their resume text. Oftentimes, people simply list what they have done in previous jobs without pointing to the impact of their accomplishments and contributions. Your resume should elend read like a set of job descriptions that convey only what your responsibilities were in past jobs.Instead, the focus should be onhow you made a good impression at work and made a difference to your department and organization. Its important to show what you have accomplished in your resume, rather than simply presenting a list of tasks. ExpandYour resume should communicate how you have been an asset to the past organizations with whom you have been affiliated. These details about your specific achievements will help you to stand out from your competition. How to Include Accomplishments on a Resume Here are tips for incorporating accomplishments into your resume. Follow the process for each of the jobs youve held so you can highlight what you have achieved in each position on your resume. Define How Success Was Measured Identify the bottom line for each of the departments or functional units where you worked.Ask yourself how one would measure the success of those units.This means knowinghow to include numbers on your resumewhen possible. For example, a recruiting department might be measured by whether or not it sourced the right talent.An accounting department might be graded by how clean their audits were.A purchasing department might be rated by the money it saved.A restaurant might be measured by the number of repeat customers or the quality of their online reviews. Highlight How You Impacted Success Itemize how your role was connected to the bottom line in each of your experiences. For example, a recruiter might note that she was resp onsible for selecting the best feeder schools for entry-level candidates. A purchasing agent might have evaluated the best vendors for computer hardware. A waiter might focus on the quality of service which he provided to restaurant patrons. Identify and document any baseline indicators related to the bottom lines for your departments at the time you took on your roles.For example, as an accountant, how many audit findings were there for your area of responsibility prior to your assuming that role? As a recruiter, what was the average cost per hire prior to your arrival?As a production manager, what was the average downtime for the assembly line before you took over that role? Quantify Your Accomplishments Estimate the level of change that you helped to engineer in your role and quantify it if possible. For example, you might state that you reduced negative audit findings by 50%. Perhaps you cut travel expenses in your department by 20% or reduced staff turnover by 25%. Its a smart strategy to highlight these percentages in boldface so that they pop on the page. Qualify Your Accomplishments If the change cant easily be expressed in quantitative terms, use qualitative language that appropriately points to the magnitude of change.For example, you could say Significantly enhanced morale.Resolved customer complaints much more quickly.Greatly reduced staff turnover.Increased response time significantly. Include Action Words Utilizeaction words on your resumethat imply an accomplishment or some results that you have produced.For example, begin your statements with words like increaseddecreasedreducedenhancedupgradedinitiatedcreatedreorganizedeliminatedinstitutedestablishedacceleratedadvancedinitiatedsurpassedpersuaded Accomplishment statements will be more convincing if you include references to how you generated the results.Point to the skills or strategies you employed to achieve each success. Examples of how this would look on your resume Improved staff productiv ity by establishing incentives for reaching volume goals.Increased the percentage of positive customer reviews by installing a system that tracked comments by employee.Evaluated alternatives for payroll vendors and selected a new partner resulting in savings of 15%. How to Add Value to the Accomplishments Listed on Your Resume Accomplishments dont need to be monumental in order toshow an employer how you can add valueon your resume.Think of how you have made things better, in even a minor way. For example, a human resources clerk might say, Recommended changes for processing new applications that reduced response time to candidates. A retail salesperson might say, Repositioned product displays to more efficiently move dated merchandise. Another way to validate an accomplishment is to cite recognition by a supervisor, employer, customer, or another stakeholder. For example, a server might say, Selected as employee of the month based on outstanding customer service. A Human Resour ces professional might say, Promoted to Assistant Director of Human Resources based on successful recruitment of graduates for IT jobs.A supervisor might say, Recognized during wertmiger zuwachs review for enhancing staff morale. After youve decided upon which of your career accomplishments you should showcase,review some resume templates and buildersto see what format would best help set them off to their best advantage.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Resettlement Specialist (31E)

Resettlement Specialist (31E)Become an Army Internment/Resettlement Specialist (31E)Military police are needed not just to protect a base and surrounding areas where military members live, but also to enforce laws like other law enforcement professionals. There are even corrections officers, or prison guards, in the military who work at the various military corrections facilities. In the Army, this military occupation specialty (MOS) is called an Internment/Resettlement (I/R) Specialist (MOS 31E) these individuals are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility. The MOS31Es are assigned to duty stations with military prisons, such as Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, Fort Leavenworth, and Camp Humphreys in Korea. Military corrections officers deal with two types of prisoners military members who have committed crimes while serving in the military, and foreign prisoners who were captured during combat situation s or who were involved in harming Americans through terrorist activities. If you are a 31E MOS in the army, you will likely be working with both types, either in established military prisons or temporary confinement areas in foreign countries. Duties I/R specialists perform the following duties Provide rehabilitative, health, welfare and security to U.S. military prisoners within a confinement or correctional facility.Conduct inspections, prepare written reports and coordinate activities of prisoners/internees and staff personnel.Assist with the supervision and management of military prisoners.Provide external security to confinement/corrections facility.Supervise, counsel and manage military prisoners in confinement facilities.Supervise confinement facility operations, counseling, management, training and employment of military prisoners in confinement/corrections facility. Training Required Job training for an internment/resettlement specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and eight weeks of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) with on-the-job instruction. This One Station Unit Training (OSUT) takes place at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. All military police get their MOS training at Fort Leonard Wood. Time is spent both in the classroom and in the field. Trainees learn Military laws and jurisdictions.Self-defense and use of firearms.Interpersonal communications skills.Search/restraint and custody/control procedures. Specific formal training opportunities for this MOS, including advanced training courses available at specific points of the soldiers career, can be found from theArmy Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) 403. Qualifications and Requirements Candidates for MOS 31E must also satisfy the following requirements Red/green color vision discrimination.No court-martial convictions.No record of any disciplinary action under UCMJ which indicates behavior inconsistent with the high standards of corrections specialist.N o record of more than 15 days lost (AWOL) under section 972-10- USC.No record of civilian convictions other than minor traffic offenses.Must be a U.S. citizen.No record of psychological or pathological personality disorders.Must possess a valid state motor vehicle operator license.Minimum age of 18 at the time of entrance on active duty. No medically diagnosed history of alcoholism, psychotic disorders, antisocial behavior, objection to bearing and use of arms when necessary.No behavioral characteristic which may be considered prejudicial to the reliable wertmiger zuwachs of corrections specialist duties.No record of possession or use of any narcotic or nonnarcotic drug.ASVAB Score of 95 in Skilled Technical aptitude area (ST)Security Clearance ConfidentialStrength Requirement Moderately HeavyPhysical Profile 222221 Similar Civilian Occupations In the civilian sector, the internment/resettlement specialist can find their skills and talents valuable in these jobs Correctional officers and jailers.First-line supervisors/managers of correctional officers.Business operations specialists.Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists.Training and development specialists.Other careers with federal, state and local law enforcement. Options for Job Recruitment After the Army There is no shortage of work for correctional officers in the law enforcement world after serving in the military. After serving in the Army as an internment/resettlement specialist, you may be eligible for civilian employment by enrolling in the Army PaYS program. The Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) program is a recruitment option that guarantees a job interview with military friendly employers that are looking for experience and trained veterans to join their organization. Organizations that participate in the PaYS program and actively seek skilled veterans with the MOS 31E designation as employees include LAPDNew York City assekuranzbrief Dept.Louisville Metro PoliceC learwater PDAlabama Department of CorrectionsLas Vegas Metro Police DepartmentKansas Highway PatrolCity of ChicagoBaltimore Police DepartmentCorpus Christi Police Department

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Vital Pieces of Cvs Windsor

Vital Pieces of Cvs Windsor May Avella dropped from the Democratic main race for mayor, for which he wasnt considered a big contender. Theres little doubt about that, he explained. With at least 10 years in the drycleaning business, he was prepared for a fresh challenge. This has been an issue for ages A History of Cvs Windsor Refuted Completely free printable grocery coupons make it simpler to stock your fridge and keep within your financial plan. However, for now I am happy. Choosing Cvs Windsor The majority of the time that you have to generate an appointment and watch for an opening. The wait was not long to pick this up. Simply click the download button to begin at this time Cvs Windsor And when youre able to snag good food for a great deal, it tastes even better. This store is likely to kill someone. Amanda went over and above making certain I was able to process my transaction and contact helping my MIL. 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While were accustomed to hearing this, its something we dont take for granted. The majority of the moment, if someone has a sexually transmitted disease, they wont display any signs o r symptoms. And that isnt counting all the people who have STDs and dont know it since they havent been checked, and theyre showing no sypmtoms. Lies Youve Been Told About Cvs Windsor Youll be a lot happier there All of your own personal information is safely stored in your profile, therefore its a snap to update private information, add new charge cards and more. Most Noticeable Cvs Windsor I occasionally there since it is very convenient. Although it appears convenient and somewhat low key to get a kit at the shop and do the test at home, you wish to make certain you are testing for all the most frequently encountered std possibilities to be positive that you arent infected with any one of them, which usually means youd be buying multiple test kits to make certain youre covering all your bases. 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I truly hate this CVS and will NEVER return as a result of incompetence and too little service. Our commitment to supplying an excellent housing experience ensures that each of our residents will delight in an expert property management staff t hats respectful of their requirements and rights. Although you might be renting, an apartment offers you a blank canvas to express yourself to all of your guests. Active listings are offered for sale. Recently traktement listings are properties that were sold within the past three decades. This time that I went in to find standard eye drops. Consequently, fall, winter and spring are the ideal seasons to do away with unwanted hair. At one time a couple years ago was concerned about needing to wait in lines. Weve been doing both for at least 60 decades. This isnt about the Pharmacy that I had to quit using years ago due to mistakes and a number of other troubles. In the majority of communities theres a pool which you arent accountable for cleaning and a rockin fitness center. You can produce your place your own This is the only secret that you require The Fundamentals of Cvs Windsor Revealed On-line grocery shopping keeps you updated on the hottest in-store deals and ma kes it possible to plan for the week. The remainder of the store is fine. This map indicates each one of the stores. You receive all the usual CVS selection in a fairly nice, clean, uncluttered and organized shop. There are some stores in your region that most likely will carry a number of them.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How To Start Salary Negotiations Off On The Right Foot

How To Start Salary Negotiations Off On The Right FootTheres a slight disagreement about whether or not employees are being paid fairly. A 2016 report from Payscale found that while 73 percent of employers feel they offer fair pay, only 36 percent of employees agreed. As a recruiter, youre in a unique position to help close that gap because often youre the first person to begin discussion about salary negotiations with candidates.Its a big responsibility to make sure that both the candidate and the employer leave the negotiating table happy and feeling like their needs were met. Here are four expert tips on what you need to remember when you start talking numbers with candidatesHow to start the discussionIf youd like the person youre interviewing to suggest the salary range they were thinking first, you can ask what they were paid at their last job as a way to begin the discussion. If they feel comfortable disclosing that information, then go ahead and move forward by asking, What do you think would be an appropriate salary for this position? Keep in mind that this is just a way to start the discussion, nothings permanent at this stage just yet. Learning what your potential employee feels they should be paid can tell you a lot about the type of worker they think they are as well as their aspirations.Dana Case, Director of Operations, MyCorporationSalary ranges are just a way to get the convo about money started. recruitingtips MyCorporationClick To TweetKnow that some candidates are just in it for the moneyOne of the best ways to determine the underlying goals and interest level of a candidate is to lowball them on a contract offer. Before all the readers shake their heads in disapproval, here me out. Its a simple fact that people will take less money if they value the company, the position, and the experience. In my experience, an employee who is mora concerned with money will be thoroughly offended and usually back out. Those who begin to negotiate are the on es you want to keep. To sum it up, the people who would take the job at a significantly lower salary are those who are worth keeping.Pierre Tremblay, Director of Human Resources, DuprayIf a candidate is willing to take less money, they really want the job. recruiting DupraysteamClick To TweetIf you want to be transparent, you need to be realisticThe best way to make the discussion more honest and transparent is to simply be realistic. Its also important to understand the discussion is going to heavily depend on the experience of the employee. If youre hiring someone who has considerable job experience that is going to fill a critical senior role, the best thing to do is ask them for verification of their current salary. Typically, you need to offer a compensation package that is at least as strong. With a younger, more inexperienced candidate, you should make an offer that you truly believe is at the value of that role to your organization. Then give the candidate a clear path towar d increasing their pay.Leo Welder, Founder, ChooseWhatTo be honest with a candidate about salary you also need to be realistic. CW_LeoWClick To TweetNegotiations can help you get to know a candidateWhen it boils down to it, salary is just a number just one factor of many in making a potential hire. The best way to approach the salary conversation is to be understanding of both parties needs. Ask questions like, Do you feel valued at your current company? Where do you want to be a few years from now in your career? and What are you expecting if you made the jump to our company? The more information you obtain from the candidate, the better understanding you are of their needs, and the easier it is to empathize and truly see if this opportunity connects with them, both financially and personally. Seth Kuhlman, Talent Acquisition Manager, ScorpionUnderstanding both sides needs is the key to salary negotiations. ScorpiondotcoClick To TweetWhat other things are important to remember dur ing salary negotiations? Share in the comments below

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Rise One World Trade Center

Rise One World Trade Center Rise One World Trade Center To anyone lucky enough to have visited the old World Trade Center, there will always be a complex mix of emotions. Despair at the tragedy and loss often mingle with nostalgia for an old structure that was beloved by so many. Just as images of heartbreak come to mind readily, so too, is it still possible for many to envision the long, green carpet that led to the tourist elevators, picture the grandeur of the giant chandeliers in the foyer, and feel the drop in their stomachs as they sped upward in the high-speed elevator.That is why it will be such a momentous and emotional moment when a new building opens on the site later this summer in the form of the 9/11 Memorial. And why it will be even more emotional when One World Trade Center (or as it will always be known to many, The Freedom Tower), is completed months later for its 2013 opening.The placement of these mega columns allowed for the first few floors of One WTC to be buil t out. Image courtesy of the Port Authority/WTCProgess.An Engineering MarvelLynda Tollner, program director on1 WTC with The Port Authority of New York New Jersey, knows this work is special. There are a few fun moments, I have to say. Sometimes if I need to clear my head a little bit, Ill take my camera, go out to the site, take a few pictures and say Ok, were really doing something spectacular here. Spectacular may be an understatement.For, in addition to becoming the spiritual center of a city and to a large extent, a country, 1 WTC will also become one of the worlds preeminent engineering marvels when it opens its doors.Using 14,000-psi concrete up to the 20th floor and then 12,000-psi and 8,000-psi concrete on higher floors, this will be one of the sturdiest structures ever built. This high-rise is a kind of a hybrid building. It has a concrete core and steel frame, said Tollner. Your typical high-rise would be all steel, or if it was a bed and breakfast or residential buildin g, it might be all concrete.The facade of One World Trade Centers base is made of prismatic glass and an aluminum screen. The crystalline form captures an ever-evolving display of refracted light. Image courtesy of the Port Authority/WTCProgess.Starting with the 185-foot podium, the enormous concrete base of the building that will be draped in ultra-clear Sapphire glass (PPG Industries, Pittsburgh, PA), the next 69 floors will be sheathed behind an innovativeglass curtain wall that will give the building a stunningly sleek appearance. A spire will then top off the structure, rising more than 400 feet off the roof.However, this is just the beginning, as unlike its 1970s predecessor, the 21st century version of the World Trade Center will also be a marvel of green engineering. Scheduled to receive a LEED Gold rating, the Port Authority is calling the 1,776-foot-tall structure, designed by David Childs of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP, The most environmentally sustainable project of its size in the world.Making Green Business as UsualAccording to Eduardo del Valle, lead architect with the Port Authoritys program manager, STV, Inc., New York City, its energy wertmiger zuwachs exceeds code requirements by 20%, in large part due to three fuel cells that will generate 1.2 MW of power, 23% of the sitewide load. Steam created by the heat generated by these fuel cells will be used for hot water and heating in the podium of the structure and the entrances, amounting to 70,000 Btus of high-grade heat and 500,000 Btus of low-grade heat. In addition, rainwater will be harvested for a variety of uses, including fire protection, supplemental cooling, and even irrigation for the landscaping in the plaza.Steel reinforcing bars were intsalled before the concrete was poured to form the floors of the Memorial Museum. Image courtesy of the Port Authority/WTCProgess.Overall, the goal is to eventually power 35% of the complex with green power, and the more ambitious, long-term pl an is to reach as much as 70%.Del Valle describes the thinking behind the project. We all talk about making sustainability a way of life for us designers and builders. And in this project, I think weve gotten pretty close to that, he says. I remember when I became LEED AP way back when, it was a big deal just to put the focus on it. Now with this project, its just become business as usual.The original World Trade Center will always retain a nostalgic glow for many, and it goes without saying that it will never truly be replaced. But with this tower growing daily as it ascends into the skyline it will someday dominate, it is clear to see that something awe-inspiring is taking shape. For the engineers involved, however, there are still mountains to climb before the celebration can begin.Im still aiming for the top, says Tollner. Im trying to get to the top of that building.Im still aiming for the top. Im trying to get to the top of that building.Lynda Tollner, 1 WTC program director, Port Authority of New York/New Jersey

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Fitness Standards for Officer Accessions

Fitness Standards for Officer AccessionsFitness Standards for Officer AccessionsThere are three typical ways to become an officer in the Air Force.The Air Force Academy (USAFA) is a service academy that is highly competitive with some of the toughest colleges in the nation.The USAFA graduates roughly 800 officers each year after a challenging four-year program.The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Course (AFROTC) is also a highly competitive four-year training program that creates roughly 2,000 officers each year.The third method to become an Air Force Officer is to complete college and apply to Officer Training School (OTS). OTS is designed to be a flexible training program that increases or decreases its applicants depending upon the needs of the Air Force.OTS has ranged in annual graduation rates from numbers as low as 300 or as high as 7,000. Assessment Regardless of your accession into the Air Force, you will be required to take a fitness test.Typically, your first fitness test will be an assessment called the Physical Fitness Baseline (PFB) and usually occurs within the first week of your training.There are four components to the Physical Fitness Baseline / Physical Fitness AssessmentPushups (1 minute), Crunches (1 minute), Abdominal Circumference Measurement (inches), and the 1.5 miles timed run.All events and the measurement are timed and monitored. All event point scores vary according to age and gender. The body composition score varies with gender, but not height or age. While attending OTS, AFROTC, or the Air Force Academy, you will be required to participate in daily physical conditioning (PC), and you must also pass the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA), to graduate from the program. Daily PC will entail aerobic, anaerobic, and flexibility conditioning.Slow runs in the 3-5 mile range are typical, but a focus on faster paced timed runs in preparation for the 1.5 miles timed run will also be practiced. The Air Force has recently implemented ne w fitness standards (effective Oct 2013 and updated 2015), all Basic Officer Trainees must achieve a minimum passing composite score to meet the physical fitness requirement to graduate from the program. (see minimums below) To pass the PFA, you must achieve a total minimum score of 75pts, the total from all three events and body composition measurement. Members will receive a score on a 0 to 100 point scale based on the following maximum component scores 60 points for cardio-respiratory / aerobic fitness assessment (1.5-mile run), 20 points for body composition (abdominal circumference), 10 points for push-ups, and 10 points for crunches. To receive the maximum possible score for push-ups, crunches, and the 1.5-mile run, you would have to perform the following Maximum Points to Max the PT Test Males under the age of 30 must obtain the following scores and measurementsThe Abdominal Circumference (AC) must be less than 32.5 inches, 58 crunches, 67 push-ups, 1.5 miles in 912 Femal es under the age of 30 must obtain the following scores and measurementsThe Abdominal Circumference (AC) must be less than 29 inches,51 crunches, 42 push-ups, 1.5 miles in 1106 Minimum Points to Pass the PT Test Males under the age of 30 must obtain the following scores and measurementsThe Abdominal Circumference (AC) must be no greater than 39 inches.42crunches, 33 push-ups, 1.5 miles in 1336. Females under the age of 30 must obtain the following scores and measurementsThe Abdominal Circumference (AC) must be no greater than 35.5 inches.38 crunches, 18 push-ups, 1.5 miles in 1622. If you are over the age of 30 at the time of your officer training at OTS or AFROTC, you will have different charts for your age group. However, it is a bit of an unwritten rule to strive for the youngest age groups running times and PT scores for as long as you can throughout your career.Setting the example as a junior officer is almost a requirement.Setting the example as a senior officer on the Phy sical Fitness Assessment can set the tone for your entire command. The scores at your officer training will go into your record and recorded by theArmed Forces Medical Examiner System (AFMES II) This is the militarys database which provides worldwide medico-legal services and investigations.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Look at Health Care Support Careers

A Look at Health Care Support CareersA Look at Health Care Support CareersWithout the women and men who work in health care support, the health care industry would be unable to function. Sure we need doctors, dentists, physical and occupational therapists and other health professionals, but without those who provide administrative and clinical support they would not be able to do their jobs. Here are several health care support careers. Dental Assistant Dental assistants provide different types of patient care and perform office duties and laboratory duties. Although some people receive training from dental assisting programs at community colleges and trade and technical schools, fruchtwein who want to enter this field receive on-the-job training. Some states license dental assistants. In 2009 dental assistants earned a zentralwert annual salary of $33,230 and zentralwert hourly wages of $15.98. Health Services Manager Health services managers plan, direct, coordinate and sup ervise the delivery of healthcare in facilities including hospitals and nursing homes. To work in this field one must earn a masters degree in health services administration, long-term care administration, health sciences, public health, public administration or business administration. Every state in the US requires nursing care facility administrators to pass a licensing exam. Health services managers earned a zentralwert annual salary of $81,850 in 2009. Home Health kchengehilfe Home health aides provide basic care for people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, cognitive impairments or who have age-related problems. Home health aides receive on-the-job training from registered nurses, licensed practical nurses or experienced aides. They must be certified if the agency for which they work receives reimbursement from Medicare or Medicaid. Home health aides earned a median annual salary of $20,480 and median hourly wages of $9.85 in 2009. Medical Assistant Medical assistants p erform administrative and clinical tasks in the offices of physicians or other medical practitioners. Although medical assistants need only a high school diploma and on-the-job training, some complete a one to two-year formal training program. Medical assistants earned a median annual salary of $28,650 and median hourly wages of $13.77 in 2009. Medical Secretary Medical secretaries perform clerical duties in medical offices. To work as a medical secretary one must have a high school diploma and basic office skills. Formal training to learn medical terminology is also necessary. Medical secretaries earned a median annual salary of $30,190 and median hourly wages of $14.51 in 2009. Medical Transcriptionist Medical transcriptionists translate doctors and other medical professionals dictated recordings into written reports, correspondence and other documents. Though they arent required to have post-secondary training in medical transcription, many employers prefer to hire those who do. Medical transcriptionists earned a median annual salary of $32,600 and median hourly wages of $15.68 in 2009. Occupational Therapist Assistant and Aide Occupational therapist assistants help clients with activities and exercises specified in a treatment plan developed with an occupational therapist. Occupational therapy aides prepare materials and equipment used during treatment. They also perform clerical duties. Occupational therapist assistants are required to have an associate degree or a certificate from an accredited community college or technical school, while occupational therapy aides usually receive most of their training on the job. In over 40 states occupational therapist assistants are required to be licensed, registered or certified. Occupational therapy aides do not have this requirement. Occupational therapist assistants earned a median annual salary of $50,250 and median hourly wages of $24.16 in 2009 while Occupational therapy aides earned $25,730 per year and $12.37 per hour. Physical Therapist Assistant and Aide Physical therapist assistants perform a variety of tasks under physical therapists direction. Physical therapy aides help make therapy sessions productive by performing tasks including keeping treatment rooms clean and organized. Physical therapists or physical therapist assistants supervise physical therapy aides. To work as a physical therapy assistant in many states one must earn an associate degree by completing an accredited physical therapist assistant program. Physical therapy aides usually need only a high school diploma and on-the-job training. Physical therapist assistants earned a median annual salary of $48,290 and median hourly wages of $22.22 in 2009. Physical therapy aides earned a median annual salary of $23,890 and median hourly wages of $11.49. Veterinary Assistant Veterinary assistants care for animals in laboratories, animal hospitals and clinics. Only on-the-job training is needed for this job. Veterinary assistants earned a median annual salary of $21,700 and median hourly wages of $10.43 in 2009. SourcesBureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 EditionEmployment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, O*NET Online. Explore more Careers By Field or Industry Comparing Health Care Support CareersMinimum EducationLicenseMedian SalaryDental AssistantOn-the-Job TrainingLicense or registration req. in some states$33,230/yr. $15.98/hr.Health Services ManagerMasters degreeLicense req. to work in a nursing care facility$81,850/yr.Home Health AideOn-the-Job TrainingLicense req. if employed by an agency receiving Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement$20,480/yr. $9.85/hr.Medical AssistantOn-the-Job trainingNone$28,650/yr. $13.77/hr.Medical SecretaryOn-the-Job Training and coursework in medical terminologyNone$30,190/yr. $14.51Medical TranscriptionistPost-secondary training in medical transcription not required but p erferred.None$32,600/yr. $15.68/hr.Occupational Therapist AssistantAssociate or certificateLicense, certification or registration req. by most states$50,250/yr. $24.16/hr.Occupational Therapy AideOn-the-Job TrainingNone$25,730/hr. $12.37/hr.Physical Therapist AssistantAssociateLicense or registration req. in most states$48,290Physical Therapy AideAssociateLicense or registration req. in most states$23,890/yr. $11.49/hr.Veterinary AssistantOn-the-Job TrainingNone$21,700/yr. $10.43/hr.